Mauni Amavasya 2023 Katha Shanishchari Amavasya Upay To Get Remove Shani Dosh

Mauni Amavasya 2023 Katha Shanishchari Amavasya Upay To Get Remove Shani Dosh

Mauni Amavasya 2023: year 2023 The first Amavasya i.e. Magh Amavasya is considered very special. Maghi Amavasya is on 21 January 2023, Saturday. It is also called Mauni Amavasya.

Since this day is Saturday, it will also be called Shanishchari Amavasya. Magh’s new moon and full moon both are considered very important for pilgrimage bath and donation, in such a situation, the combination of Shanishchari Amavasya and Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga on this day is doubling the importance of Amavasya. Let us know the auspicious time and story of Shanishchari Amavasya i.e. Mauni Amavasya.

Importance of Shanishchari Amavasya (Shanishchari Amavasya 2023 Significance)

According to the legend, by taking a bath in the Ganges on Mauni Amavasya, the seeker gets the qualities of nectar. Amavasya Tithi is dedicated to the peace of ancestors. In such a situation, by offering Tarpan and Pinda Daan on the occasion of Shanishchari Amavasya, ancestors of seven generations get heated.

By keeping silence on Mauni Amavasya, keeping fast, doing Shradh rituals and charity, sorrows, poverty, Kaalsarp, Pitridosh go away and on the day of Shanishchari Amavasya, the virtue of these works increases, along with this, the suffering from Shani’s dhayya and half-and-half decreases. Is.

Story of Mauni Amavasya

According to legend, a Brahmin named Devaswami lived with his wife in the city of Kanchipuri. The couple had 7 sons and a daughter. Devaswami told astrology about his daughter’s horoscope for her marriage. Astrologer said that the planetary condition of the daughter is not good, after marriage she will have to live the life of a widow. The parents got worried after listening to the pundit and asked astrology for its solution.

Husband got life by worshiping Sri Hari

Astrologer told that to pacify the malefic planets, call the washerwoman of Sinhaldweep, Soma, to her house and worship her. Brahmin Devaswami did the same. The washerwoman was pleased with the guest’s hospitality and gave the daughter a boon of unbroken good fortune.

Later, when the husband of the Brahmin’s daughter died, he became alive again with the boon of the washerman. But when the virtue of worshiping the washerwoman waned, her husband died again. Seeing the condition of their daughter, the Brahmin couple worshiped Lord Vishnu sitting under the Peepal tree on the day of Mauni Amavasya. Shri Hari was pleased with the couple’s worship and gave life to the girl’s husband.

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is necessary to mention here that does not confirm any kind of recognition, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.

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